Garcinia cambogia: effects and what it is for

Garcinia cambogia consumption can prevent diabetes, obesity and intestinal disorders

garcinia cambodia

Bishnu Sarangi image by Pixabay

Garcinia cambogia is a vegetable native to Cambodia, southern Africa and Polynesia. Popularly known as Malabar Tamarindo or Goraka, garcinia cambogia has fruits that are used as flavorings, condiments, food preservatives and appetite suppressants.

Garcinia cambogia has been identified as an auxiliary fruit in the treatment of obesity and other diseases.

Properties of garcinia cambogia

Protects against gastric ulcer

A study published by the journal Phytotherapy Research showed that garcinia cambogia extract can treat gastrointestinal disorders.

The study tested in rats the antiulcerogenic potential (property to fight ulcers) of garcinia cambodia in oral treatment and the results showed that the plant extract protected the gastric mucosa against the acidity of the gastric juice. Garcinia cambogia was able to decrease acidity and increase mucosal defense in gastric areas, thus justifying its use as an antiulcer agent.

Improves glucose metabolism

A study published by the scientific journal Elsevier - after testing it in rats for four weeks - concluded that garcinia cambogia extract improves glucose metabolism by reducing the need for insulin production, suggesting that the plant is an ally in fighting diabetes.

It has hematological and anti-obesity effects

According to a study published by the journal IUBMB Journals, garcinia cambogia seed extract has hematological and anti-obesity effects.

This means, according to the study, that the extract of garcinia cambogia improves levels of fat in the blood and liver, reducing the risk of obesity, which may be a factor in fighting cardiovascular disease.


Despite having benefits suggested by scientific studies, the consumption of garcinia cambogia may have some side effects such as headache, stomach pain and diarrhea.

therapeutic use

The studies carried out with garcinia cambogia were carried out, for the most part, in rats and made with the plant extract and/or seeds - a format that has a higher concentration of active principles than, for example, the tea format. Therefore, to make effective therapeutic use of garcinia cambogia, it is necessary to consult a healthcare specialist to instruct on the proper doses for each person.

Recommended dosages of supplements, for example, may vary between brands. It is generally recommended to take 500 mg, three times a day, 30 to 60 minutes before meals.

It is always best to follow the dosage instructions on the label. Studies have only tested these supplements for up to 12 weeks. Therefore, it may be a good idea to stop taking the garcinia cambogia supplement a few weeks every three months.

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