Is soy milk beneficial or bad?

Soy milk is rich in protein and beneficial compounds, but it can have adverse effects in some people.

soy milk

Edited and resized image of Mae Mu, is available on Unsplash

Soymilk is made from soy bean and filtered water. Like other herbal milk alternatives, it can be an alternative with a lower environmental footprint than animal-based milk.

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  • Is milk bad? Understand

One cup of unsweetened soy milk contains:

  • about 80 to 100 calories
  • 4 grams of carbohydrates
  • 4 grams of fat
  • 7 grams of protein
  • What are proteins and their benefits

Because it comes from plants, soy milk is naturally cholesterol free, low in saturated fat and lactose free.

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  • Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism: what's the difference?
soy milk

Edited and resized image of Isabell Winter is available on Unsplash

Soy and soy milk are good sources of protein, calcium (when fortified) and potassium. However, consuming too much soy or soy products can be a problem for people with thyroid problems or other conditions.

And one study showed that increased intake of soy-based foods caused fertility problems and fewer sperm. Soy is also a common allergen. People allergic to soy should not drink soy milk.

Pros of soy milk

  • It is a good source of protein, vitamin A, potassium and isoflavones;
  • It contains as much protein as cow's milk and is lower in calories than whole milk;
  • Contains very little saturated fat.

Cons of soy milk

  • Soy is a common allergen for adults and children;
  • Too much soy can be a problem for people with thyroid disease;
  • Most of the soy produced comes from genetically modified plants and contains highly harmful pesticides, such as glyphosate.
  • Glyphosate: widely used herbicide can cause fatal diseases

If you are going to consume soy milk, give preference to organic options. Understand this theme better in the article: "What are organic foods?". To learn more about soy and other derivatives such as tofu, take a look at the articles: "Soy: is it good or bad?" and "What is tofu and what are its benefits".

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