How to make hair grow fast and naturally

Learn how to grow hair fast and naturally without harming your health and the environment

How to make hair grow faster

Image: Averie Woodard on Unsplash

How to make hair grow fast and naturally? Basically, you need to eat healthy, consume plenty of water, and avoid consuming processed foods and toxin buildup. But there are other additional tips that help your hair grow faster.

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Eat protein rich foods

How to make hair grow faster

HomeMaker image by Pixabay

Protein-rich foods help hair grow faster, as they are essential for hair formation. If you are a strict vegetarian, consume a variety of protein sources to get all the essential amino acids for your body.

  • What are amino acids and what are they for

Homemade Avocado Mask

How to make hair grow faster

Juraj Varga image by Pixabay

To make the hair grow faster, apply a homemade mask of avocado beaten with olive oil in a proportion of half and half. Massage into the scalp and hair along the strands. Leave on for 20 minutes and wash your hair naturally as usual.

  • The benefits of avocado
  • Benefits of different types of olive oil

massage the scalp of the hair

How to make hair grow faster

Tim Mossholder Unsplash image

When washing your hair, massage the entire scalp with your fingertips. This way you activate blood circulation, naturally favoring hair growth. If you don't wash your hair every day, massage it dry.


How to make hair grow faster

Olesia Misty Unsplash image

To make your hair grow fast, take a large leaf of aloe, peel it, store the jelly inside, cut it into cubes and put it to freeze. Freezing preserves the aloe for longer. Once a week you can beat a cube like this with a little olive oil and rub it into your hair. In addition, aloe is a great natural moisturizer.


The bark of the jaborandi tree is a great tonic for when the hair is weakened by stress, pollution or illness, as well as making the hair grow faster.

Oils to moisturize

How to make hair grow faster

Steve Buissinne image by Pixabay

To make hair grow faster, it is recommended to use a vegetable oil once a week to moisturize the hair, including olive oil, grape seed oil and almond oil - you can use the oil of your choice, as all vegetable oils are good for this purpose. Coconut oil is also a great alternative for making hair grow quickly and naturally. Check out its benefits in the article: "Coconut oil on hair: benefits and how to use it".

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To prepare the oil, just mix the chosen vegetable oil in a jar with rosemary or sage (it can be the essence, the tea or the leaves) and let it rest in a dark place. Then just put the oil in the palm of your hand and go through the hair, from the roots to the ends, massaging the scalp well. Do this treatment only when your hair is clean.

Pure water

How to make hair grow faster

rony michaud image by Pixabay

A tip to make hair grow faster is to wash it with pure water, that is, from the fountain, because the water we receive at home contains chlorine. You can also use a mild soap to remove excess fat. A good option is to wash your hair once a week with coconut soap or mild shampoo and at other times wash it with plain water. Learn about the no and low poo techniques in the article: "No Poo and Low Poo: what it is and how to do it".

moon influence

How to make hair grow faster

Ponciano image by Pixabay

The planet is directly affected by varying forces of gravity, which change according to the phases of the moon. If you cut your hair when it's a new moon or at the beginning of a crescent moon, it tends to grow faster.

Apple vinegar

How to make hair grow faster

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To make your hair grow faster, you can mix apple cider vinegar with a little water and use it to wash your hair; then wash your hair with shampoo (preferably homemade) normally. This stimulates hair follicles, making hair grow faster. See in more detail how to use apple cider vinegar on hair in the article: "How to use apple cider vinegar on hair".

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