18 Sore Throat Remedy Options

You may have sore throat remedies in your kitchen at home and you don't know!

sore throat

Having a sore throat, although not serious in most cases, can be a very uncomfortable condition. For those who live in big cities, then, if the climate is dry, air pollution increases and the symptoms of the famous sore throat appear. And there's no one who doesn't mind the difficulty of eating anything while suffering from this problem.

But before going to traditional remedies, you can try home remedies for a sore throat and be quite successful. Best of all, this type of medicine can be found in the foods you have around your house!

Check out the video above for some home remedy options for sore throat, then follow our list. These sore throat remedy options are natural, inexpensive, and easy to prepare to relieve pain or disinfect. And remember: if symptoms persist, get medical help.

18 Home Remedy Options for Sore Throat

Gargle with warm salt water

sore throat

Silentpilot image by Pixabay

When your throat is sore and painful, it means that the mucosal cells are swollen and infected with pathogens. With salt water gargle, you reduce swelling due to the main function of salt, which is to extract water, and it also helps to clear excess mucus, in addition to allowing your stuffy nose to drain again normally. This will require a cup of warm water and half a teaspoon of salt. Then heat the water until it is warm and mix it with salt. Just gargle and repeat it no more than three times a day, as needed, without exceeding this limit.

Mucus is protection and an action of the body against the presence of bacteria and viruses. This symptom is one of the most common in case of a sore throat. If we gargle with saline water a lot, the salt will completely clear the mucus, thus taking away the body's natural protection and drying out the throat, which can cause irritation. So remember never to overdo it - salt gargle is only useful for pain relief.

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Chocolate 70% cocoa will be good for your sore throat

sore throat

jacqueline macau image by Pixabay

Cocoa is very rich in flavonoids, substances with anti-inflammatory properties. And the cocoa butter in chocolate helps to hydrate the throat and relieve irritation. The ideal is to buy the chocolate bar without milk (with at least 70% cocoa) and, separately, the fresh mints. Then just chop the mint and place it in the melted chocolate... Once it's cooled down, suck the chocolate like a candy.

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Oregano tea with lemon

sore throat

Silvia Stödter image by Pixabay

Set aside three tablespoons of oregano and make some tea. Then strain and add juice of half a lemon and drink. Oregano is a great antiseptic that cleans the respiratory system and will do great for your sore throat;

Apple vinegar

Contains high levels of acidity that can kill bacteria, it serves to relieve sore throat pain. The irritation can be caused by different types of bacteria or viruses, so depending on the type of bacteria causing the inflammation, vinegar may not be effective, working in some cases and not in others. Just mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water and ingest.

Remember never to overuse vinegar - it is acidic and can end up causing irritation and altering the pH of your throat. Always use it diluted in water. If it doesn't work, don't insist, as the bacteria or viruses that are causing the inflammation in your throat are probably resistant and continued use will only further damage the throat.

  • How to make apple cider vinegar
  • 12 benefits of apple cider vinegar and how to use it


sore throat

Ulrike Leone image by Pixabay

As strange as it may seem, this act can greatly alleviate sore throat pain and inflammation, because garlic contains a compound called allicin, which can kill the bacteria and germs that cause pain and irritation. With a fresh garlic clove cut in half and the pieces on each cheek, suck them like a cough drop. Try this once a day. If your breath is not very pleasant after the process, check out the article "Refresh your breath more naturally".

  • Ten Benefits of Garlic for Health

marshmallow herb

Used in fair quantity for centuries in North America and Europe, the herb Marshmallow, known as althaea, has a compound called mucilage, which helps relieve the mucous membranes in the throat. If you have diabetes, seek help from a doctor or a nutritionist before taking a prescription. The preparation is simple: add a tablespoon of the dried herb root to a cup of boiling water. Cover and let sit for up to an hour before drinking.

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Steam can relieve a sore throat, especially when the throat is sore due to dryness. It helps to unclog your nasal passages, which makes your breathing easier. Just separate a medium bowl, enough hot water to fill it halfway, a bath towel and eucalyptus oil (optional). Boil a pot of water and pour it into the bowl, then tilt the bowl so you can fully inhale the steam. Tie the towel around your head to create a sort of "tent" for the steam, and if you want to make it softer, add drops of eucalyptus oil.

  • What is eucalyptus for?
  • What are essential oils?

cayenne pepper

It has a chemical compound called capsaicin, which temporarily relieves pain. Take half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and a cup of boiling water. Add pepper to cup of water and wait until mixture is hot but not too hot. Be sure to shake frequently. If you are sensitive to seasoning, reduce pepper to 1/8 tsp;

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Licorice Root Tea

Licorice root can be a real sore throat remedy as it has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce swelling and irritation. A cup of chopped dried licorice root, half a cup of cinnamon chips, two tablespoons of cloves and half a cup of chamomile flowers are the necessary ingredients. To prepare, mix three heaped tablespoons of the tea mixture and two and a half cups of cold water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat and cook for ten minutes. Pour into a large mug through a strainer. Afterwards, just taste.

  • Nine plants with antiviral properties
  • 17 amazing benefits of cloves
  • Cinnamon: benefits and how to make cinnamon tea

Rest and drink plenty of fluids

Mainly water. And remember to let your body rest every day. You just need a comfortable place to rest and liquids like water, orange juice, tea, among others.

  • Benefits of whole orange and orange juice

Gargle with baking soda

It has antibacterial properties. It also has a slightly alkaline pH, which relieves minor skin irritations such as insect bites, and will act similarly on the swollen tissues in your throat. The ingredients are: a cup of warm water, half a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of baking soda. Heat the water, mix half a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of baking soda and test the temperature. Pour some of the liquid into the throat when it is inflamed and let it sit for a moment and then make two gargles, one after the other. Repeat the entire procedure three times a day.

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It is extremely effective in relieving cough, sore throat and other sore throat symptoms. It also expels toxins from the blood and works as an anti-inflammatory to help reduce swelling of the throat tissues. Two cups of fresh honeysuckle flowers and leaves, a quart of water and a way to heat it are all you need. After acquiring your leaves and flowers, cook them in a liter of boiling water for ten minutes. Add honey/lemon if you like.

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Chewing blackheads is good for sore throat

They are often used to help improve a sore throat. The reason cloves have analgesic powers is due to eugenol (oil of cloves), which is a strong natural antiseptic and can act as an antibacterial as well. Chewing on cloves will slowly release the eugenol and numb the pain in your throat. Set aside several whole cloves and a glass of water (optional). Put one or two cloves in your mouth and suck on them until they become soft - then chew them like chewing gum. Swallowing afterwards is not harmful.

chamomile tea

It is an excellent remedy for sore throat. Its components kill bacteria, while the herb works as a natural pain reliever. It also has antispasmodic properties, which relax muscles and help patients get better rest. Set aside a handful of chamomile, a mug and a cup of boiling water. When the water boils, pour it into the mug and add the chamomile. Cover and let steep for 10 minutes.

  • Chamomile tea: what is it for?


It works as a sore throat remedy because of its antiviral properties, and also relieves joint pain. Ginger helps loosen and expel mucus in the respiratory system. It also stimulates circulation, oxygenating cells, releasing toxins and speeding up the healing process. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and fights bad bacteria - all in a simple tea. To prepare it, set aside a two-inch fresh ginger root, a sharp knife or vegetable peeler, a cutting board, and two to three cups of water. First, wash and slice the ginger root into small pieces on the cutting board. Boil water over medium heat and add ginger. Simmer for another five minutes. Learn more about making ginger tea.

  • Benefits of Ginger and its Tea

Gargle with sage

It is an herb that has been used extensively in medicine, before appearing in cooking. Sage is astringent and bactericidal. In that case, a good way to use salvia is in the form of gargle. Just separate a cup of boiling water, two teaspoons of fresh or dried sage leaves and seven grams of salt. Boil the water and then pour it over the sage in a mug. Cover and leave for 20 minutes. Add salt and gargle.

  • Salvia: what is it for, types and benefits

Avoid animal milk and its derivatives

Animal milk and its derivatives increase the production of mucus or phlegm. Avoiding them will speed up the healing of your sore throat.

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use cinnamon

Cinnamon is extremely rich in antioxidants and its aroma helps open up the cavities, which decreases mucus production and improves breathing, alleviating common symptoms of a sore throat.

  • Antioxidants: what are they and in what foods to find them

Keep your food and drink at moderate temperatures

If the temperature isn't balanced, you can end up burning or bruising the muscle in your throat, which can lead to infections.

take care of yourself

Breathing in too much smoke or polluted air will irritate the tissues at the back of your throat. Lozenges can help stimulate saliva, but avoid those that have a lot of sugar. Caffeine and alcohol can impair our body's ability to fight infections - avoid them if you can. Do your best to rest. Learn how to make sore throat lozenges in the article: "Learning to Make Sore Throat Lozenges".

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mix and match the ingredients

Every day, before bed, upon waking and in the afternoon.

With all of these ingredients passed, you can try out different combinations to see which one works for you, or mix it up. Use these recipes three times a day for seven days and you'll likely see improvement in your sore throat.

If after seven days the sore throat persists, seek medical help.

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