ten habits to be happier

Apparently happy people have some habits in common! check out

ten habits to be happier

Happiness is a controversial topic. Some scientists argue that up to 60% of our happiness is genetic inheritance - that is, social and psychological factors would only determine 40% of it. There are also those who reject such theories. In addition to academic discussions, it is possible to organize your life to have more pleasures and be happier according to your goals. Know some habits that are supported by research and that can adopt you to be happier:

1. Know your strengths, develop them and put them into practice

When volunteers were encouraged to pick their strengths and put them into practice every day for a week, they noticed a significant increase in happiness. The best part was that even after the experiment ended, the level of happiness increased in the following month. The study showed that the more you put your strengths into practice on a daily basis, the happier you become.

2. Make time to spend outdoors

If you can set aside at least 20 minutes of your time to be outdoors, in addition to improving your mood, your mind will be more open and you will also improve your memory. The sunshine and fresh air will make you feel happier. Even cloudy days have their beauty, so save a part of your day to observe them.

3. Make an effort to be happier

Two separate studies of the Journal of Positive Psychology have shown that people who actively try to be happier ultimately feel happier than those who don't even "try." In the first study, two sets of participants listened to happy music. Those who tried to be happier showed a higher positive mood level later on. In the second study, participants listened to several "positive" songs over a two-week period; those instructed to focus only on improving happiness fared better than those instructed to focus solely on music. Therefore, the effort to be happy, by itself, is already one of the valid habits for a happy life.

4. Exercise regularly

Exercise releases endorphins in the brain, which provides a better mood. The interesting thing is, if you exercise frequently, the mood boost carries over even on days when exercise isn't exercised. That is, the mood remains close and stable. This theory was the subject of research carried out by the University of Bristol, in the United Kingdom.

  • Twenty exercises to do at home or alone

5. Take care of your health

Be happy

Jill Wellington image by Pixabay

Keep up with your check-ups and watch out for some health signs are very important habits to be happy. On average, health itself conditions a gain of 20% of total happiness. So don't save time or money to invest in your health.

6. Do good

This is one of the coolest and most interesting items on the list. People who spend part of their time helping others are happier. Yeah, and the cool thing is that this action favors several people at the same time, both the one who is receiving help and the one who is helping. The attitude can be towards an animal, a space, a place or another individual! The effect is immediate in most people, and the fruit of this action is ambiguous: it improves both mental and physical health. Above all, these actions contribute to a better world, because if we practiced more kind and disinterested actions, we would certainly live in a better civilization. In communities that help each other, or spaces like that, the environment is much more pleasant and pleasant.

7. Cultivate strong social relationships

No matter what kind of relationship you have, whether with family, friends (many or few), or communities, the important thing is that these bonds provide you with a happy life. Regardless of age, gender or financial situation, social support (given and received) is one of the habits that can help human beings to be happy.

8. Go out with fun and high-spirited friends

At work, happily or unfortunately, we generally can't choose the type of people around us, but outside of work you have complete freedom to choose who you want to be around or not. So, choose positive people who are good for you to go out, this will certainly change your mood, leaving you much more relaxed and happy. In the same way that studies have found that exercising with partners motivates you to continue a line of training and not interrupt them, the people around you have an impact on your mood and, consequently, on your happiness, as do your attitudes too. reflect in the lives of these people.

9. Pay attention and enjoy the happy moments

In addition to the eight habits to be happier we've already mentioned, you can also adopt an exercise proposed by the meditation line mindfulness: the increase in happiness. As we go through good and bad moments throughout life, and difficult moments tend to be the majority, the proposal is to extend the moments of happiness whenever possible. It is a very simple habit and whose constant practice helps to have a happier life.

It works like this: when you realize you are in a happy moment, take a second to be grateful that that moment exists, allow yourself to be happy in that moment, without thinking that the date will end soon or that you need to leave early. Enjoy the moment of happiness while it exists, recognize that it is a happy moment, and feel the happiness. Over time, this becomes a habit and you will enjoy your happy times much more, decreasing the negative impact of bad times on your overall feeling of happiness.

10. Take a deep breath

Finally, if you're having a rough day and nothing seems to be going right, take a deep breath! It may sound silly, but it is scientifically proven that deep breathing helps oxygenate the brain. This increases overall attention and brings relief from moments of depression or stress. Lemon scent also helps give you more energy through breath control - it has a therapeutic effect on your mood and mood and can help you be happy, if only for a moment. You can also take short breaks to practice the pranayama (breath control technique of yoga) or even quick meditations.

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