Does baking soda whiten teeth?

Use of baking soda to whiten teeth is not recommended by dentists. Understand!

Sodium bicarbonate: what is it for

"Close-up Of Baking Soda On Spoon." (CC BY 2.0) from aqua.mech

Baking soda is very popular in homemade recipes for how to whiten teeth. the magic of Internet, however, it is not recommended by dentists, as bicarbonate is a strong abrasive, which used without control of proportion and frequency can damage the enamel of the teeth.

Teeth are formed by three layers: enamel, dentin and pulp (from the outermost to the innermost). Enamel forms when the tooth is still in the bone and has no healing abilities. The yellowing of teeth, on the other hand, occurs due to yellowish pigments that accumulate in dentin, the intermediate layer.

The big difference between professional tooth whitening and at-home methods that use baking soda is in the part of the tooth on which the products work. In the office or in professional treatments indicated for application at home, gels are used in different concentrations, such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide, which release oxygen and change the color of the tooth through the oxidation of yellowish dentin pigments. The process is non-abrasive and does not affect the structure of the teeth. Bicarbonate, on the other hand, acts only on the surface layer, cleaning up residues of dirt deposited on tooth enamel. Bleaching does occur, but it is temporary and dangerous.

In the office, dentists use small amounts of baking soda to clean the mouth, but its home use is not recommended. As it is a strong abrasive, sodium bicarbonate (when applied directly to the tooth) acts as an exfoliant for the teeth, only polishing the external surface (the enamel) and may cause its wear, as home doses are usually high. , as well as the frequency of use. The salt, however, can be used as a homemade and natural mouthwash, as the simple bicarbonate mouthwash does not cause the harmful abrasive effect of direct brushing.

There are homemade whitening recipes indicated to whiten teeth that do not take sodium bicarbonate and preserve the enamel, avoiding cases of toothache or even losses in the dental arch. For being the first layer, enamel is the great protection of the tooth against factors such as caries. Check out the article "Home methods to whiten teeth" and be careful!

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