Italian zucchini recipes

Learn how to make zucchini recipes in the best style

zucchini recipes

ExplorerBob image by Pixabay

Zucchini recipes are the best way to enjoy the delicious benefits of this food that has been consumed for many years around the world. In Islamic and traditional Iranian medicine, zucchini is mentioned as a food that prevents and treats various diseases.

Zucchini is a delicious vegetable belonging to the cucurbitaceae family, as well as watermelon, melon, cucumber and pumpkin, being a fruit that originated in the American continent, more specifically in Peru and the southern United States.

  • Watermelon: Nine Scientifically Proven Benefits
  • Cucumber: benefits of food to beauty
  • The Amazing Benefits of Pumpkin

To know the benefits of making zucchini recipes, take a look at the article: "Benefits of zucchini and its properties". To know the best zucchini recipes, read:

How to make recipes with zucchini

stuffed zucchini

zucchini recipes

Image: Dalton Rangel


  • 4 units of boiled zucchini, cut in half
  • 300g of chopped organic tofu
  • ½ cup of olive oil
  • 1 chopped tomato
  • 5 chopped garlic cloves
  • 1 tablespoon of oregano
  • ½ cup of sauce shoyu organic

Method of preparation

Boil the zucchini units without letting them soften. In a bowl let the tofu marinate in the shoyu while you chop the rest of the ingredients. Then fry the tofu together with the shoyu left over with oil, garlic and oregano. After frying the tofu, add the tomato and let it cook.

Spread the ingredients on the zucchinis and leave in the oven for 15 minutes at 180ºC.

Zucchini Pie

zucchini recipes

Image: Be Vegan


  • 1 chopped medium Italian zucchini
  • 3 chopped medium tomatoes
  • 3 tablespoons of oil
  • 1 chopped medium onion
  • 1 cup of rice flour
  • 1/4 cup of water (if necessary to make the point, use less or more)
  • 1 tablespoon of chemical yeast
  • Salt, green scent and olives to taste
  • Cherry tomato slices to decorate (optional)

Method of preparation

Sauté the onion with the tomato, the zucchini, the olives and the green scent. After sauteing, add the flour, oil and water until the mixture is pasty, tending to liquid. Grease a small mold with oil and rice flour, pour in the mixture, decorate with the cherry tomatoes and bake.

Source: Ser Vegana- magnificent zucchini pie

zucchini souffle

zucchini recipes

Image: David AriochSource: Vegaromba - zucchini souffle


  • 4 units of zucchini
  • 2 cups of rice flour
  • 1 cup of water
  • 4 chopped cambuci peppers
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder
  • 1/2 bunch of chopped chives
  • 1/2 bunch of chopped parsley
  • 1/2 bunch of coriander
  • 1 cup of chopped olives
  • 3 tablespoons of oil
  • 1 tablespoon of dehydrated vinaigrette
  • salt to taste

Method of preparation

In a pan, saute the zucchini, peppers, chives, parsley, cilantro, olives and dehydrated vinaigrette with salt to taste in a pan.

After sauteing, add water, rice flour and yeast; stirring until all the ingredients dissolve, forming a creamy mass. Place the contents in a mold and bake for 40 minutes at a temperature of 160ºC.

Pickled zucchini

zucchini recipes

Image: All Recipes


  • 1 thinly sliced ​​onion
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of parsley or basil
  • 2 tablespoons of flaxseed
  • 3 chopped garlic cloves
  • 4 units of sliced ​​or chopped zucchini
  • 200 g of chopped olives
  • salt to taste

Method of preparation

Fry the garlic in half the amount of oil. Put the other half of the oil on the zucchini and onions to soften them and stir until soft. In a bowl, layer the zucchini with the onion, garlic, salt, olives, linseed and parsley; and serve with bread.

Braised zucchini


  • 2 pieces of chopped zucchini
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 3 chopped garlic cloves
  • 2 tablespoons of oil

Method of preparation

Add the oil, garlic, zucchini and salt to a skillet, in this order. When the pan starts to sizzle, stir the ingredients until the zucchini is golden. Okay, you can help yourself.

zucchini risotto


  • 6 chopped garlic cloves
  • 1 small onion
  • 1/2 chopped red pepper
  • 2 pieces of chopped zucchini
  • 2 cups of rice tea
  • 1/2 cup of dry white wine
  • 1/2 cup of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of curry
  • 1 cup salted cashew nuts
  • 3 cups of boiling water (if the rice is wholegrain rice you need to add more water)
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons of parsley, chives and oregano

Method of preparation

Add, in this order, the oil, pepper, onion and garlic in the same pan and fry them until golden. Then add the zucchini and all the other ingredients and cook.

Did you like the zucchini recipes? So enjoy and take a look at the avocado recipes article: Avocado recipes: ten easy and delicious preparations.

grilled zucchini

grilled zucchini

Bruno /Germany image by Pixabay


  • 1 zucchini cut into strips (as in the photo)
  • 1 large chopped garlic clove
  • 1/2 tablespoon of herbs
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Method of preparation

Add all the spices to the zucchini and let it sit for an hour. Then take it to the grill and leave for three minutes each side.

Zucchinni antipasto

zucchini recipes

Image and recipe: Cantinho Vegetariano


  • 2 large zucchini units
  • 5 chopped garlic cloves
  • Pepperoni to taste
  • Salt and oregano to taste
  • 1 cup of extra virgin olive oil

Method of preparation

Wash and dry the zucchinis well. Then cut them into very thin slices and set aside. Heat the oil with the garlic until it boils and grease an iron plate. Grill the zucchinis on both sides. In a bowl mix the oil, garlic, oregano, pepper and salt. For assembly, mix the oil with the zucchini until the ingredients are finished. Refrigerate and serve with toast or bread.

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