Conscious Gambiarra: Reuse five items and make your life easier

An egg carton can be useful for lighting the barbecue and a toilet paper roll can become a portable speaker

Egg box

The so-called "Brazilian way" is an expression that is often used in a pejorative way. Instead of doing "the right thing," the solution is to find a way to solve immediate problems. However, the popular gambiarra can be very welcome if used to reuse objects from home that would end up in landfills or dumps. Check out unusual uses for five items:

Toilet paper roll

Sound amplifier for smartphones

If you're full of music on your cell phone or MP3 player but don't have a speaker or handy stand, try using the...toilet paper roll! To do this, "lay down" the roll, make a cut equivalent to the size of the device on the outside of the cardboard and place thumbtacks on the base, so that it does not fall with the weight of the electronic (check the video at the end of the article to better visualize the idea);

Egg box

Egg box

Do you need to light the grill quickly? Reuse an empty egg carton, filling it with charcoal in the egg places. Close the box, put it inside the grill and you're done! Fire in a flash.

repel mosquitoes

After lighting the grill using the tip above, you can use the fire to ward off mosquitoes. Just throw some basil or rosemary over the coals. As insects can't stand strong smells, they won't disturb you during the get-together. Enjoy and check out six types of plants that work as natural insect repellents;

cereal box

How about making a solar microwave device? It's simple, just take a cereal box, lay it down, cut one of the side flaps, roll up the top of the fold and line the inside of the box and the flap itself with aluminum foil. Then place the box in the sun and insert a food such as a ham and cheese sandwich. Wait for a few minutes and, voila, you will have a hot-mix.


Egg box

Need to find the right direction from somewhere? Take a needle and rub it against your clothing several times. Then place it on top of a small sheet and place it on a small pot of water. The needle will point you in the north direction.

Take a look at the video to better understand how to put each of these tips into practice.

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