Citrus Enzyme: A Powerful Homemade Degreaser

Discover how to make a multipurpose homemade degreaser from organic waste fermentation

homemade degreaser

Crema Joe image in Unsplash

Citrus enzyme is a homemade degreaser made from the fermentation of organic waste. It can be used to clean utensils, stove, floors, tiles, grouts, clothes, dishes, table, counters, bathrooms and drains. In addition, some people use it as an insect repellent, air freshener, body and hair sanitizer and as a baking powder - for the latter purpose it must be mixed with baking soda in the proportion of a flat coffee spoon of baking soda of sodium to two tablespoons of citrus enzyme.

Best of all, it's not just a product that doesn't pollute. As it is rich in decomposing microorganisms, when it reaches the sewers, it helps to clean up rivers! It is a healthy alternative for the body, for the indoor air in your home, and for the environment.

It is also a way to reuse citrus waste that cannot be placed in the compost bin, such as orange and lemon peel, helping to reduce the amount of waste taken to landfills and dumps.
  • Dumps and their main impacts
  • Landfill: how it works, impacts and solutions

How to make homemade degreaser with lemon and orange peel

To make your homemade citrus enzyme degreaser, you must follow the rule: ten parts water to three parts orange and/or lemon peel and one part sugar.

It is important that the husks are chopped. If you prefer to store them for the week before making your homemade degreaser, make sure they are placed far apart and inside the fridge so they don't develop fungus.

You can mix orange and lemon peel or just use orange or lemon, following the example below:

  • 10 cups of water
  • 3 cups of chopped lemon and orange peel
  • 1 cup of sugar

Place these ingredients in a glass or plastic pot with a lid and mix well. It is important that the pot is not filled to the brim, so that the lid does not run the risk of coming off because of the gases produced during fermentation. Still, you will need to open it every day, or, depending on the room temperature, periodically to allow air to pass through.

If it's too hot, the homemade degreaser can be ready in a week. If it's cold, it can take up to thirty days. It should have a pleasant citrus smell and should not form mold; otherwise, do not use it.

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