How to increase immunity?

Sleeping well, exercising regularly and eating vegetables are some habits that help boost immunity

How to increase immunity

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A healthy immune system reduces the chances of contracting viral infections and the flu, in addition to contributing to a lesser intensity of symptoms if any illness sets in. Each person reacts in a way to the invasions of harmful microorganisms and this is due to immunity, which can be increased by adopting habits as simple as sleeping eight hours a night or eating more vegetables.

Immunity is what makes some people sick more often than others. While some urgently need to adopt techniques to boost immunity, others already maintain a lifestyle that protects them from viral and bacterial diseases. This means that this person's immune system is strong enough to fight off invaders before they can do damage to the body, so the person may not even realize they've been attacked.

If you've ever wondered why your sister didn't even sneeze when everyone in her house had a fever and a sore throat, this might be the answer. She had a high immunity. And the good news is that immunity isn't something some people have and some don't or that we're born with. Quite the contrary: we are born susceptible to all kinds of diseases and we develop our immunity throughout our lives.

It is through breastfeeding that babies receive their first antibodies, that is, their first immunity resources. Hence the importance of exclusive breastfeeding for six months - this initial dose of antibodies provided by the mother protects the baby from external infections and prepares him to fight possible infectious agents present in external feeding.

Adults can also teach their bodies to improve their fight against infections. Some ways to boost immunity are eating less ultra-processed foods and more vegetables, exercising regularly, and getting more sun. Know more!

How to increase immunity?

Reduce your stress levels

Chronic stress inhibits the body's immune response, releasing the hormone cortisol, which interferes with the reception and reproduction of body signals by T cells (one of our white blood cells). Cortisol also reduces immunoglobulin A, an antibody present in our respiratory tract and intestine, which is our first line of defense against pathogens.

Some tips on how to increase immunity through stress management are to practice yoga, meditation, pranayama or deep breathing.

Moderate alcohol consumption

Numerous research shows that excessive alcohol consumption can alter the immune system and its path in complicated ways. However, moderate consumption of some alcoholic beverages, such as wine, can be helpful for the overall health of the body.

Keep an eye on your vitamin intake

Vitamin consumption is a great way to boost immunity. Vitamins A, B6, C, D and E can help boost the strength of the immune system. Vitamin C is the biggest booster of all and lack of it can cause a number of illnesses, including scurvy. You can get vitamin C from foods like oranges, strawberries, spinach and broccoli. Multivitamin supplements may be an option, per your doctor's or doctor's instructions, but natural intake through food is the best option.

eat more vegetables

Vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts are packed with essential nutrients for the health of our immune system. These foods have antioxidant properties that fight unstable compounds called free radicals, which can cause inflammation when they accumulate to high levels in the body.

Consuming them daily increases immunity. Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli, for example, help in the health of the liver, an organ that guarantees the body's natural detoxification process.

Consume Herbs and Supplements

Herbs such as AHCC, Echinacea, Elderberry, Andrographis and Astragalus can help reduce the duration and severity of illnesses. In addition, the use of vitamin and mineral supplements provides the nutrients needed for a strong immune system.

Exercise regularly

Regular physical exercise has been shown to increase immunity. Regular exercise mobilizes T cells, a type of white blood cell that protects the body from infection. However, overly rigorous exercise can weaken your immune system, leaving you prone to colds and viral infections. Therefore, to increase immunity, keep to moderation.

get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can trigger the inflammatory immune response, reducing the activity of T cells in the body. This can weaken your immune system and also your response to vaccines. Try to sleep for 7 to 8 hours a night and avoid staying up all night. If you travel between different time zones frequently, talk to a health care provider about taking melatonin to regulate your circadian rhythm.

eat more mushrooms

Mushrooms are a way that nature has developed to break down organic matter and convert it into fertile soil. They are rich in essential nutrients and minerals and some are very good for our immunity. Some examples are Maitake, Shitake and Tremella mushrooms.

stay hydrated

Dehydration can cause headaches and impair your physical performance, concentration, mood, digestion, and cardiac and kidney function. These complications can increase your susceptibility to disease, according to the study.

To avoid dehydration, you should drink plenty of fluids daily. Water is recommended because it is free of calories, additives and sugar. Although tea and juice are also moisturizing, it is best to limit your intake of fruit juice and sweetened tea because of the high sugar content.

Stop smoking

Smoking not only increases the risk of cancer, it also damages the immune system, reducing adaptive and innate immunity. The habit can also increase the chances of developing harmful pathogenic immune responses.

eat healthy fats

Healthy fats, such as those found in olive oil and salmon, can boost the body's immune response to pathogens, decreasing inflammation.

Olive oil is known to prevent heart disease and type 2 diabetes. In addition, its anti-inflammatory properties can help your body fight harmful bacteria and viruses that cause disease. The omega-3s in salmon also fight inflammation.


The sun is primarily responsible for the production of vitamin D in our body. This vitamin is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system as it helps the body to produce antibodies. A low level of vitamin D in the body has been touted as one of the main reasons for respiratory problems. A brisk walk in the sunlight for 10 to 15 minutes will ensure that enough vitamin D is produced in your body.

High immunity, better life

These are some small efforts and adjustments to your routine that can help boost your immunity. A healthy body allows for a better quality of life, preventing you from getting sick so often and helping you to recover quickly from infections. In addition, these habits also contribute to healthy aging, as they reduce the risk of developing cancer, autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases.

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