Eight Causes of Hair Loss

Causes of Hair Loss May Go Deeper Than You Think

hair loss

Hair loss is more common than most people realize. However, losing hair can be devastating for both men and women and affects people of all ages and ethnicities. If you've been noticing a lot of hair buns around the house that don't belong to your Fluffy cat, we've separated eight possible causes of hair loss to help you treat hair loss:

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1. Pregnancy

Among the many changes that the female body goes through and that can be tough (that's why women are awesome), is the madness that the hair can turn. What happens is that the organism's priority is always to nourish the fetus: the demand for the mother's blood and nutrients can limit the body's resources, and as hair is not necessarily an element of human survival, such as liver health for example , it may end up being “discarded” along the way.

It's important that moms take vitamins frequently prenatally and keep their immune system high.

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2. Thyroid imbalances

You know that “bad skinny” colleague, who performs the feat of having lasagna every day without problems? Don't be envious, even if it's white, because it's not his fault, it's his thyroid. A fast metabolism means overactivity of the gland and, consequently, too much production of the hormone thyroxine. Metabolism of this nature greedily consumes nutrients, leaving the body stressed. And, as in item 1, the body feeds what is a priority, which is not the hair. An underactive metabolism has accumulation of nutrients and a lethargic lifestyle can impede hair growth.

3. Genetics (alopecia)

Men suffer from unavoidable scalp “entrances” thanks to hair loss due to genetics and testosterone-related effects, but women can also fall prey to genes. Once this type of baldness is activated, it is difficult to prevent it. It may be only in the crown region (like the Franciscan priests), but it may spread to the ear region, depending also on the strength of the hair strand.

This condition can affect young women too, as stress contributes negatively. In modern times, it is known that reconciling career and domestic responsibilities, apart from other pressures, affects women's health. That's why making time for yourself is essential, even if other tasks come later: after all, health comes first.

4. Trichotillomania

This is a psychological condition that deserves attention. It is the act of plucking from the hair strands to the eyebrows and eyelashes, or even body hair, for nervous relief. It is a type of mania, but care must be taken and psychological and therapeutic follow-up, as in extreme cases the person can go bald in certain parts where they feel more pleasure in pulling.

It is common to start in childhood with some trauma, such as the loss of a relative or a beloved pet. A person only becomes aware of the habit when he is no longer able to resist it. It is at this point that a professional must take action.

5. Food

This is already common sense: French fries and ice cream are unhealthy. They not only influence the size of clothes, but also contribute to hair loss. Holistic nutritionists understand and warn of the connection between hair growth (and lack of it) and artificial coloring in food, sweeteners and preservatives - in short, canned food, soft drinks, junk food. It's good to remember that there are healthy fats, probiotics, whole grains and fresh vegetables. Supplements are recommended for cases of inadequate diet.

6. Pin the hair

Holding hair too tightly can also cause hair loss. With the fashion of stretching in beauty salons, or even braiding, the hair is pulled from the root, which can break and damage the follicle. Many women are left without combing or handling their hair a lot to compensate for the problem, however massaging the scalp stimulates blood circulation in the region, which takes nutrients to the follicles and helps improve hair loss. Not to mention that it is always very important to wash (and dry well) frequently.

7. Traumas

Car accidents or losses in the family are difficult and delicate moments, which can lead to hair loss, which can further aggravate the emotional disturbance when seeing the amount of hair falling out. Even moments of intense happiness, such as the arrival of a baby or passing the entrance exam, can be a cause.

It is common for the problem to persist or start two to three months after the occurrence.

8. Autoimmune diseases

Diseases like this are characterized when the immune system sees perfectly healthy cells as invaders of the body and starts to attack them. It is estimated that 50 million Americans suffer from some type of illness of this nature - from celiac disease to psoriasis.

Lupus is one of those responsible. Discoid lupus, when affecting the scalp region, can be one of the causes of permanent hair loss, unfortunately.

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