Learn how to reduce odors caused by your dog at home

Learn how to get the smell of dog dirt out of your home with simple ingredients.

dog lying down

Dogs are man's best friends, but this excessive loyalty ends up generating certain inconveniences in terms of hygiene. Anyone who has a dog in the house or apartment knows that certain odors, related to urine and feces from animals, are uncomfortable and difficult to remove.

To alleviate this issue without having to use chemicals that are harmful to health, follow below some tips on how to remove the smell of dog dirt using sustainable ingredients:

white vinegar

It is considered the best option when the place where the dog peed is still wet. Mix a solution of equal parts with white vinegar and cold water and pour over urine. Spread it out well and then let it dry. When it is dry, use a vacuum cleaner in the area to remove any kind of residue;

Sodium bicarbonate

Efficiently absorbs any type of odor. If the site is dry, place a generous amount of baking soda over the area and let the substance sit for a few hours. If the area is still covered with the dog's urine or saliva, spread the material widely until everything is absorbed. In both cases, it is necessary to remove all the leftover bicarbonate after resting the substance for a few hours;

Sparkling water

If the dog has peed on a towel, cloth or shirt, sparkling water is great for pre-treatment. Wait for the stain to dry and pour sparkling water over the area. Immediately after this act, dry the place again. Once this is done, follow the same process as the item above (sodium bicarbonate);

Diluted bleach

If you've tried everything and nothing has worked, turn to bleach. It is not a sustainable material - its chemistry can have bad consequences for the environment. Therefore, only use it as a last resort and in a small amount. Apply ten parts water to one part bleach and spray the solution onto the stain. Allow to dry completely and check the situation.

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