How to make coconut oil the easy way

Haven't found any recipes that teach you how to make coconut oil? Check out this very easy homemade method!

how to make coconut oil

DanaTentis image by Pixabay

How to make homemade coconut oil? This is an interesting question, especially for those who know all the benefits of coconut oil and never thought it was possible to produce it home-style. Thinking about it, the eCycle portal separated a very nice recipe and easy to make. Check out:

Necessary materials

  • 2 units of ripe brown shell coconut with plenty of water inside (preferably organic);
  • 3 cups of coconut water;
  • 1 filter cloth;
  • 1 1 liter glass or plastic jar;
  • 1 large glass with a wide mouth and lid;
  • Blender;
  • 1 PET bottle.


  1. Add three cups of coconut water and chopped two coconut pulps and place them in a blender;
  2. Let it beat for up to three minutes - the mixture will look like cream. If it gets too dense, add water until the cream reaches a thin, even consistency;
  3. With the help of the cloth, squeeze the cream, until all the coconut milk is removed. The leftover pulp can be frozen and set aside for future use in sweets. Put the milk in a glass jar, cover it and let it rest for 48 hours in an unlit place;
  4. After two days, put the liquid in a PET bottle and leave it in a place at room temperature (around 25°C), without the presence of sunlight;
  5. In the period between six and eight hours, the liquid will undergo a process of separation between the oil and the milk. Wait for this process to complete and place the PET bottle in the refrigerator for three hours. The oil will change from a liquid to a solid;
  6. Place the PET bottle lying down and make a cut as close as possible to the oil line, to facilitate its removal (attention: be careful when handling objects that may present some type of risk);
  7. Place the solid substance in a glass container with a wide mouth;
  8. Look at the solid substance against the light, the oil will have a yellow color, that is, the natural color of virgin coconut oil. At temperatures above 27°C the substance may change from a liquid to a solid and will acquire a white color. Coconut oil lasts for two years from the time it was made.

Benefits of Making Coconut Oil

Homemade coconut oil, in addition to being natural, is very beneficial for health and can also be used in aesthetic treatments. Learn more about this topic in the articles: "How to moisturize with coconut oil?", "Coconut oil is good for the skin. Understand and learn how to use it", "Why use coconut oil for frying?" and "Coconut oil on hair: benefits and how to use it".

Coconut oil improves digestion and bowel function, calming irritable bowel syndrome; improves insulin secretion and utilization of glucose in the body as well as essential fatty acids; increases the level of good cholesterol (called HDL); enriches breast milk; prevents gestational diabetes; lowers blood pressure; increases metabolic rate and thyroid function; acts as an antioxidant; helps prevent liver and kidney disease; helps to dissolve kidney stones; prevents aging problems such as osteoporosis, periodontal disease and caries; reduces the body's need for vitamin E; reduces epileptic seizures; decreases hot flashes; reduces symptoms of pancreatitis, Crohn's disease, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, stomach ulcers and inflammation. Learn more about it in the article: "Natural coconut oil: what it is for and how to use it".

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