Essential Oils: Alternatives in Natural Menopause Treatment

It is possible to relieve menopause symptoms through natural treatment. Understand

natural treatment for menopause

Edited and resized image of Chelsea shapouri, is available on Unsplash

Menopause marks a significant period in a woman's life, mainly because it brings menstruation and reproductive capacity to an end. While some women begin experiencing menopause as early as age 30, most experience the first symptoms of menopause only in their 40s or 50s. But, by definition, menopause only sets in after 12 consecutive months of no menses.

Many women experience symptoms such as fatigue, hot flashes, irritability and insomnia, some of which can even disrupt daily activities. Hormonal treatment is available to alleviate these menopausal symptoms, but some people may experience unwanted side effects and serious complications. That's why the search for natural menopause treatment has become ever greater.

Natural Treatment for Menopause

Research has shown that hormone therapy for menopausal symptoms increases the risk of heart disease and stroke within the first year of hormone use. The research also showed that if the use is extended, the risks increase. Women who used a combination of estrogen and progestin as part of hormonal treatment developed a significantly increased risk of breast cancer and death, as well as lung cancer, gallbladder disease, dementia and urinary incontinence. Due to these risks, the National Women's Health Network recommends alternative ways to deal with menopause symptoms.

Maintaining balanced eating habits, not being exposed to stressful daily work and relationships, practicing physical activities, taking care of mental health, avoiding contact with toxic substances such as pesticides, cleaning and hygiene products are lifestyle habits that contribute to a lighter passage through this stage of life. But, in addition to these factors, it is also possible to use essential oils as aids in the natural treatment of menopause symptoms.

Essential Oils in Natural Menopause Treatment

Sage essential oil clarifies

A study published by Journal of Phytotherapy Research showed that inhaling sage sage essential oil reduced cortisol (stress hormone) levels in women by 36%, while improving thyroid hormone levels. Elevated cortisol levels can lead to weight gain, depression and many other problems. The menopausal women who participated in the study were diagnosed with depression, but after treatment with the essential oil of sage clary, they experienced an improvement in mood and relief of symptoms of depression.

chamomile essential oil

Chamomile is excellent for reducing the symptoms of stress and menopausal hot flashes. By combining chamomile essential oil with clary sage essential oil, you get multiple benefits from both plants.

A British study showed that chamomile improves mood and sleep quality, factors that also influence levels of stress and depression.

Thyme essential oil

Thyme essential oil is a powerful antioxidant and has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Thyme essential oil has beneficial effects on the digestive, respiratory, immune, nervous and other organ systems. For menopausal women, it is exceptional as it improves hormone levels and menopausal symptoms.

According to a study that tested 150 herbs and their effects on levels of female hormones (estradiol and progesterone), thyme essential oil was among the top six substances capable of naturally balancing female hormones, meaning it helps relieve stress, reduce anxiety and restlessness, being an ally in the natural treatment of menopause.

Geranium essential oil

Geranium essential oil is known to be calming, revitalizing and detoxifying. It can help improve dry skin, one of the symptoms of menopause. It is also considered a powerful regulator of hormone levels, with the ability to reduce anxiety and irritation, promote a sense of satisfaction, and alleviate sudden mood swings. A survey conducted with women during menopause showed that after aromatherapy massages with geranium essential oil and almond oil, there were improvements in mood and depression.

How to use

To enjoy the aromatherapy benefits of essential oils, the ideal is to drop three to ten drops of the essential oil(s) of your choice in a diffuser or dilute three drops of the essential oil in half a cup of carrier oil ( it can be coconut oil, almond oil, grape seed oil, among other neutral vegetable oils) and apply to the entire body through massage. Another way to use essential oils for the natural treatment of menopause is to make synergies (mixes) of essential oils in the diffusers, just apply a drop of each essential oil of your choice. Understand more about the benefits of essential oils in the article: "What are essential oils?".

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