How to lose weight with health

Learn how to lose weight healthily and improve your quality of life

How to lose weight?

Image: by Yunmai on Unsplash

How to lose weight fast is a very frequent question. However, some weight-loss drugs, when taken without a prescription (sometimes even with a prescription) can be dangerous for your health, even if they show quick effect. Likewise, weight-loss diets that prove to be miraculous and ineffective can generate frustration and cause the unwanted accordion effect. To lose weight in a healthy way, it is necessary to understand that excess weight is the result of years of unhealthy habits, such as a sedentary lifestyle and an unbalanced diet. In some cases, being overweight is related to diseases such as gastritis, diabetes and hypertension. It is possible to lose weight without starving, and this loss will only last if the person loses weight in a healthy way. Remembering the importance for your health, consult your doctor.

Check out some tips for healthy weight loss

practice physical exercise

To lose weight, your body needs to increase its energy expenditure. Physical exercise such as walking, jogging or cycling speeds up metabolism, increasing calorie burn. Exercising to lose weight is a great alternative for healthy weight loss.

sleep more and better

Several researches point to the importance of having efficient sleep - tired people tend to feel hungrier than when they get a good night's sleep, and getting enough sleep is crucial to good long-term health. Also, people who sleep poorly tend to gain weight more easily. So, if you want to lose weight, start catching up on sleep.

Eat more times and less

Have five to six meals a day (breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and supper) in small volumes. In snacks, give preference to the consumption of fresh or dried fruits, cooked or raw vegetables; nuts or nuts - foods with high nutrient content and great satiety power, convenient to transport and consume.

Do not go more than three hours without eating and establish regular times to have your meals, as this keeps your metabolism active and increases the expenditure of calories. Avoid “snacking” between meals, trying to distinguish between hunger and desire to eat, and do not eat dessert after main meals. Eating regularly, slowly and carefully is a good way to control how much we eat, avoiding eating more than necessary. This way you will realize that it is possible to lose weight with health and without going hungry.

drink more water

Drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day between meals. You can drink other liquids such as teas and natural juices. Drinking water improves intestinal transit, deflating the belly. Remember that thirst is one of the first symptoms of dehydration. So, drink water before you feel thirsty.

  • 21 foods that help you lose weight with health

Water is also present in food in nature such as cucumbers, tomatoes, tangerines, among others. So bet on foods that naturally have a lot of water, if you want to lose weight with health.

Decrease alcohol consumption

In addition to its high caloric content, alcohol has a toxic effect on the intestinal mucosa and reduces the absorption of vitamins such as thiamine, folic acid and B12. Because it has a diuretic property, it increases the urinary excretion of magnesium and zinc, the body's regulatory nutrients. When you drink alcohol, it's the fuel you use, so your metabolism slows down and you burn less fat. So, you know, reduce the beer to lose weight faster.

don't skip meals

Don't miss breakfast. If you don't eat this meal, you will feel less energetic and will eat more throughout the day. Breakfast should be light and balanced, containing fruits, vegetables and greens. Try not to fast, as this way, the body tends to reduce energy in the form of fat. Do not cut any type of food - carbohydrates are a source of energy and remember, better than losing weight fast, is losing healthy.

Limit your consumption of oils, fats, salt and sugar

Avoid fried foods and fatty foods - prefer cooked, baked, grilled or sautéed preparations. Use oils, fats, salt and sugar in small amounts when seasoning and cooking food. These are food products with a high nutrient content whose consumption can be harmful to health: saturated fats (present in oils and fats), sodium (a basic component of table salt) and free sugar (present in table sugar). Excessive consumption of sodium and saturated fats increases the risk of heart disease, while excessive consumption of sugar increases the risk of tooth decay, obesity and several other chronic diseases. Also, oils, fats and sugar have high amounts of calories per gram.

Make use of low-fat milk and dairy products, as they have less fat. In this way, you consume these foods, which are sources of protein for our body, without consuming too much fat.

Careful chewing

Proper chewing improves the feeling of satiety. Do not eat in a hurry. Cut food into small portions and chew it a lot. In this way, the brain receives the appetite satisfaction message faster, preventing you from overeating.

When we chew food more often, we increase our concentration on the act of eating and prolong its duration, which helps us to lose weight.

Replace refined carbohydrates with wholegrain

Replace refined cereals, such as rice, pasta, cookies and bread, with wholegrain carbohydrates. Whole grains, such as oats, sesame, brown rice, sweet potatoes, have a good amount of fiber, which are essential for those who want to lose weight, as they stimulate satiety and the proper functioning of the intestine.

Consume more fruits and vegetables

Eat up to four versions of fruits and vegetables a day. In addition to having a low caloric value, they are great sources of vitamins, minerals, water and fiber, which, as mentioned earlier, promote satiety. Eat salad before larger meals, as this gives our body the time necessary for the food to be better used, once again preventing us from eating more than necessary, contributing to healthy weight loss.

Avoid processed and processed foods

The ingredients and methods used in the manufacture of processed and industrialized foods – such as canned vegetables, fruit compote, stuffed cookies and soft drinks – unfavorably alter the nutritional composition of the foods from which they are derived, leaving them nutritionally unbalanced . Their main ingredients make them generally rich in fats, sodium and sugars.

Furthermore, they tend to be very low in fiber, vitamins and minerals due to the limited presence of fresh food in these products, and the feeling of fullness after ingestion does not occur or occurs late.

In the case of soft drinks and canister juices, excessive consumption is linked to weight gain because our bodies have less capacity to “record” calories from sweetened drinks.

The manufacture, distribution and sale of processed foods are potentially harmful to the environment, and the amount of water used in the various stages of their production is immense. The common consequence is the degradation and pollution of the environment, the reduction of biodiversity and the compromising of reserves of water, energy and many other natural resources.

Prefer fresh food and in nature

Fresh or minimally processed foods are the basis for a nutritionally balanced diet that promotes a sustainable food system. These foods are obtained directly from plants or animals and do not undergo any change after leaving nature, such as grains, tubers and roots, vegetables, fruits, milk, eggs, fish and meat (see more in "In natura, processed foods and ultra-processed: know them and understand the differences"). Attend fairs and avoid eating at fast-food chains.

  • What are fresh, processed and ultra-processed foods

Get organized and plan what you will eat

Planning what will be consumed in small meals is very important, especially when you are away from home. Take with you fresh and dried fruits or other fresh foods so that you don't end up opting for processed foods when you're hungry. Organizing your meal times also helps, as mentioned earlier. It's important to avoid going hungry because, at this time, we want to eat whatever we see ahead of us. If you are always on a full and satisfied stomach, it will be easier to resist products junk food.

Check out other tips on how to lose weight in the video.

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