Healthy Home Seal: the guarantee of a healthy environment for your well-being

Living in an unhealthy place can cause many inconveniences. Discover the certification of projects, buildings, products, professionals and maintenance services that guarantee a healthy environment

Healthy Home Seal

There are several factors that have a direct impact on our health, and we often don't even know what they are. Did you know that the environment where you live or work may be making you sick? Lighting, indoor air quality, materials used in construction, room acoustics and electromagnetic fields all influence how you feel and your predisposition to developing illnesses. Studies prove that the place where people live and work is a determining factor in health. Problem environments can trigger sleep disorders, allergies, tiredness, premature aging, obesity, among other diseases.

The space in which we live, work and rest must nurture our potential, generating life and well-being. When the individual lives in healthy environments, he acquires quality of life, disposition, in addition to increased productivity in daily activities. But how do you know if the materials that will be used in your architectural project or the environment in which you live are healthy? For this, the Healthy Home Seal was created.

The seal, coordinated by the Healthy Building World Institute (World Institute for Healthy Construction), its mission is to ensure healthy spaces that provide well-being for society. It is the world's first certificate for buildings, professionals and construction products that take into account elements of health and well-being.

From design to construction, buildings can be planned to be ecofriendly and also safe for your health. A large portion of the population spends most of their lives indoors, in homes, workplaces, shopping malls, schools, universities or restaurants - ensuring that these environments are healthy is essential for us to take care of our health in a preventive way.

The healthy seal provides certification services for projects, real estate, professionals, products and maintenance methods aimed at civil construction. With this, it proposes a responsible attitude in relation to awareness of buildings, to eliminate the malaise and illnesses caused by them.

How it works?

The SCS (Healthy Home Seal) submits the project, the building, the professional and the procedure to rigorous tests and verifications, which can be the analysis of documents, in the case of projects, of physical-chemical measurements, for buildings, of written and oral tests, for professionals, of physicochemical analysis, for products, and combining all of them, for the case of maintenance procedures. The Seal is elective, architects, engineers, designers, builders and professionals in general, submit their projects to receive certification. It involves strict international health parameters, and analyzes lighting, acoustics, electricity, air and water quality, materials used, architectural design, landscaping, sustainability criteria, maintenance, among others.

Understand a little more about the healthy house seal in the video.

the seals

Healthy Home Seal for projects

healthy home stamp projects

Projects that match the health parameters evaluated by the team receive this seal. The quality of the materials to be used, the technical design, electrical, hydraulic, lighting, acoustic, landscape projects, and sustainability and healthy maintenance issues are items that the project must meet in accordance with the standards. According to the review, renovation (pRn) and new construction (pNC) projects receive ratings of A, B, or C.

Healthy Home Seal for built environments

healthy home seal real estate

To receive this seal, properties undergo analysis methods such as on-site measurement with validated devices, physical-chemical laboratory analysis, documentary evidence and others. All these processes are to verify the health of the environment, inspecting electromagnetic fields, air quality and ventilation, the presence of volatile organic compounds, fungi and bacteria, water quality, quality and quantity of light, acoustics, landscaping, sustainability, maintenance healthy, etc. This seal classifies properties in A,B and C according to the analyzed points. Both newly constructed buildings (NC), renovations or renovations (Rn), and pre-existing buildings (EPE) can receive certification.

Healthy Home Seal for professionals

professional healthy home seal

This seal guarantees that the professional has knowledge about healthy construction, and about the certification parameters and other tools related to the process of evaluating projects and environments. Engineers, architects and designers, contractors (brickworkers, assistants, foremen, etc.), appraisers or surveyors, maintenance employees/companies and healthcare professionals can obtain certification after undergoing theoretical and practical examinations.

Healthy Home Seal for products

healthy home products seal

This seal guarantees that the product in question meets the standards and will not be harmful to the health of those who handle it, at the time of construction and to end users. For this, the products undergo physical and chemical laboratory tests that attest to their healthiness in the interaction with human life.

Healthy Home Seal for maintenance

healthy house maintenance seal

This seal evaluates maintenance companies, from professionals who work on site, regarding the substances and processes used. It certifies that the maintenance company uses techniques and products that are not harmful to users of the environment that will receive the service.

All these seals and processes are essential to spread knowledge about the use of healthy techniques in the construction and maintenance of environments. Looking for a professional who follows the parameters of healthy construction and using materials that do not harm health improves the quality of life of all those who will use the site. It may seem like an extra expense, but it's actually more care for the lives involved and less expense for doctors to treat the conditions that an unsafe environment can provide. Furthermore, a safe environment is more pleasant.

Learn more about the Healthy House Seal website. In it, you can find professionals, real estate and certified products.

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