How to get up early with 25 tips

As obvious as it may seem, ensuring a good night's sleep is one of the ways to wake up early and in the mood.

how to wake up early

Edited and resized image by Yaniv Knobel, is available on Unsplash

How to wake up early and willing? As obvious as it may seem, the first step to get up early is to plan for a great night's sleep. However, often, even when going to bed early, anxiety makes us toss and turn in bed all night long, and the next day, the body charges, and dearly, for the hours not slept. On the other hand, in some cases, even getting to sleep early, it is difficult to get out of bed. Check out 25 tips that will help you wake up early:

1. Say no to the snooze button

Did you know that there is a word that defines the act of hitting the snooze button over and over again? In English, the term is dropling, and wreaks havoc on your morning routine.

Practice dropling it confuses the biological clock, making it harder to wake up in the mood. When you finally roll out of bed, you're more likely to be dizzy and irritable.

  • What is circadian rhythm?

2. Your cell phone survives without you

As tempting as it is, looking at your cell phone before bed can be bad for your health. This is because the blue light emitted by the device at night harms the macula and reduces the excretion of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep (learn more about this topic in the articles: "Blue light: what it is, benefits, damages and how to deal with " and "What is melatonin?" Not to mention the amount of news, notifications and advertisements that bombard our brain, increasing the agitation.

Try to use an analog alarm clock to avoid having to take your cell phone into the bedroom. Before going to sleep, keep the lights low, repeat a mantra and, if possible, try to meditate to clear your mind. These are quick sleep tips, taken from the article: "What can sleep deprivation cause?"

Trust me, your phone and the rest of the world will survive if you go without looking at notifications for a few hours. And you, for sure, will live better.

3. let the sun in

In the same way that the blue light emitted by the cell phone at night decreases the production of the sleep hormone, so does sunlight. The difference is that receiving this light according to the hours of the sun is not harmful when receiving it at night. On the contrary, it will help you wake up early in the mood. Try to sleep with the window open (at least the part that lets in light). That way, as the sun rises, your body will gradually receive the light, awakening more naturally.

4. Make the bed

Making the bed takes just a few minutes, helps you get moving in the morning, and gives you a sense of accomplishment. Besides, at bedtime, it will be much more pleasant to find a bed made.

5. Put on a song

Play your favorite music as soon as you wake up. That way it's easier to get up.

6. Turn on the diffuser

Consider purchasing an aromatherapy diffuser for your bedroom. Inhaling a stimulating essential oil can awaken your senses and energize you.

Some invigorating scents to choose from include:

  • Mint
  • pepper mint
  • Orange
  • lemon
  • bergamot
  • pink grapefruit
  • patchouli
  • What are essential oils?

7. Pull the hair

If you just can't get out of bed despite your best efforts, pull your hair out. Pulling your hair (lightly) helps stimulate blood flow and awakening.

8. Stretch

Stretching makes blood flow to your muscles, especially if your body is cold. This also helps when waking up.

9. Take off your pajamas

If you wear your pajamas all day, you'll miss how good it feels to wear them at the end of a rough day. Everyone needs a day of pajamas every now and then, but save it for rest hours.

10. Wash your face with cold water

don't go as far as the Ice Bucket Challenge, but a few splashes of icy water get you out of dreamland quickly.

11. Drink water before caffeine

Drinking a glass of water before your cup of coffee or tea can help rehydrate your body and stimulate your metabolism. If you don't drink water until later, dehydration is more likely. Dehydration can cause confusion, infrequent urination, fatigue and dizziness - symptoms you definitely don't want to experience all day.

12. Eat protein for breakfast

Proteins are the building blocks of all cells. It makes more sense to energize your body with a protein-rich breakfast like a chickpea than to eat French bread, a carbohydrate that quickly raises your blood sugar and lowers your energy. Know which foods are rich in protein.

13. Do everything in the morning

Change your routine by trying to get your tasks done as soon as possible. Leave it to tidy up the house, cook food, work or organize your things in the morning. This way, you avoid sleeping late and, by nightfall, you can start to get into the restful mood and sleep better. But don't get overwhelmed, let the whole family work.

14. Have a routine

If for each day of the week you have a time to sleep and wake up, it will be difficult to rest well and wake up refreshed. To get into the body's biological rhythm, try to follow the sunny hours. Start getting into the mood of rest when the sun goes down and rise when it comes up.

15. Avoid alcoholic beverages

A glass of wine can help you fall asleep, but it's not good to do it every day. Alcohol can disrupt the sleep cycle and prevent you from reaching deep sleep. This makes it harder to get up early the next day.

16. Have your afternoon coffee

Caffeine is a stimulant that stays in your system for several hours. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, drinking caffeine six hours before bed reduces total sleep time by one hour. But if you suffer from insomnia, try to avoid having breakfast after 2 pm. Learn more about this topic in the article: "Coffee is bad for your health?".

  • Eight Incredible Coffee Benefits

17. Leave the clothes separate

Taking 10 minutes or more to choose your clothes for the next day, iron them, and fix them can save a lot of morning effort. If you have kids, teach them to do the same. It's an easy hack guaranteed to make your daily routine easier.

18. Keep the room cool

Body temperature changes at bedtime. The core temperature decreases, while the temperature of the hands and feet increases (see studies on this here: 1, 2).

If the room is too hot, it may be difficult to sleep and, consequently, wake up early in the mood. To sleep faster you can change the blanket for a thinner one or avoid very hot baths before bed.

19. Use white noise

If you can't stand the sound of silence or wake up easily with small noises, use white noise to your advantage. It helps keep the ambient sound constant, blocking out sudden noises that might wake you up at the wrong time. You can buy a white noise machine, or download an app that plays the same sound as the noise for a time you schedule.

20. Don't stay in bed if you can't sleep

If you can't sleep, don't lie in bed counting sheep. Get out of bed and do something quiet like read a book (not on your phone or tablet) and when you start to feel sleepy, go back to bed.

21. Get a better pillow

An uncomfortable pillow is a recipe for a bad night's sleep. Find a pillow that keeps your head in a neutral position. Consider investing in a smart pillow that suits your neck and head. You should also wash your pillowcases regularly to maintain a pleasant smell.

22. Choose the right mattress

According to the Better Sleep Foundation, it is necessary to evaluate the mattress every seven years. If yours is not in good condition, consider getting a better one.

23. Adjust lighting

Fluorescent and LED lamps emit blue light, blocking the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. After sunset, turn on only red, pink or incandescent lamps to ensure a peaceful sleep.

24. Keep bedroom walls neutral colors

Avoid walls in red, orange, yellow and other strong colors. Give preference to light blue, white, beige and similar versions.

25. Take care of anxiety

Anxiety can often disrupt a good night's sleep, making it difficult to wake up early the next day. Be aware of this. Take a look at the article: "Natural Home Style Anxiety Remedies".

Adapted from Healthline

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